28 September 2012

कोमेजलेली फुले

गणेशोत्सव आला की सर्वत्र कार्यक्रमांचे वारे वाहू लागतात. गाण्यांच्या मैफिली, ऑर्केस्ट्रा, नाटके, मुलाखती.. कितीतरी कार्यक्रम मोठ्या हौसेने आयोजित केले जातात आणि तेवढ्याच उत्साहाने रसिक त्यांचा भरभरून आस्वाद घेतात. महाराष्ट्रापासून दूर राहणाऱ्या आमच्यासारख्या रसिकांना तर हीच पर्वणी असते मराठी कार्यक्रम पहायची. दरवर्षीप्रमाणे यंदाही दिल्लीत गणेशोत्सव धामधुमीत साजरा केला. ५ दिवस सलग कार्यक्रम होते.
ह्या ५ दिवसात सगळ्यात जास्त आकर्षण होते ते म्हणजे "सा रे ग म प- little champs" च्या गाण्याच्या कार्यक्रमाचे. गणेशोत्सवाचा 'climax ' म्हणून हा कार्यक्रम सगळ्यात शेवटी ठेवण्यात आला. ४ वर्षांपूर्वी झी 'सा रे ग म प' मधून घराघरात पोहोचलेली ही मुलं संपूर्ण महाराष्ट्राच्या गळ्यातील ताईत बनली होती. मुग्धा, आर्या, रोहित, कार्तिकी आणि प्रथमेश ह्या मुलांनी आपल्या गोड आवाजाने आणि लाघवी वागण्याने सगळ्यांनाच आपलंसं केलेलं होतं .
ह्या मुलांना एवढ्या वर्षांनी परत पाहायला मिळणार, त्यांच्या सुमधुर आवाजात अनेक गाणी ऐकायला मिळणार ह्या विचाराने आम्ही अतिशय आनंदात होतो. प्रत्यक्षात कार्यक्रमही खूप छान झाला. मुळात आवाजाची नैसर्गिक देणगी, प्रत्येकाची गाण्याची एक खास style, वर्षानुवर्षे श्रोत्यांचे मिळालेले प्रेम आणि आशीर्वाद, आणि अनुभवाने आलेला प्रचंड आत्मविश्वास.. ह्या सगळ्याच्या जोरावर ही मुले छान गायिली नाहीत, तरच नवल. एकाहून एक सदाबहार गीतं सादर झाली. अनेक गाण्यांना दिलखुलास once-more मिळाले. कार्यक्रम खूपच रंगला.
परंतु.. एक गोष्ट राहून राहून मनाला त्रास देत होती. ह्या मुलांचा आवाज आता पूर्वीप्रमाणे टवटवीत राहिलेला वाटला नाही. प्रत्येक सुंदर फुलाला कोमेजण्याचा शाप असतोच. पण ही सुंदर फुलं अकालीच का कोमेजू लागली, असा प्रश्न मनात डोकावू लागला.
'सा रे ग म प' च्या त्या पर्वापासूनच ही मुलं प्रसिद्धीच्या झोतात आली. सगळीकडे त्यांचा उदोउदो होऊ लागला. पर्व संपल्यानंतरही त्यांना अनेक कार्यक्रम मिळू लागले. त्या ५ जणांनी मिळून एकत्र अनेक कार्यक्रम केले. ठिकठिकाणी जाऊन गाण्याच्या मैफिली रंगवल्या. मात्र ह्या सगळ्या गडबडीत त्यांनी स्वताच्या रियाझाकडे कितपत लक्ष दिले ह्याबद्दल शंका वाटते. शिवाय कार्यक्रमातील गाण्यांची निवड देखील श्रोत्यांना पसंत पडावी अशी असल्याने मोठ्या आवाजातील, उडत्या चालीची गाणी ते अधिक म्हणतात. अति गायनामुळे निश्चितच स्वरयंत्रावर ताण पडत असणार. त्यामुळे आवाज खरखरीत होत जातो. तसा खरखरीतपणा ह्यापैकी काहींच्या आवाजात जाणवला. महाराष्ट्राची लाडकी असलेली ही मुले मोठी होईपर्यंत त्यांचे आवाज टिकवू शकतील की नाही अशी मला शंका वाटते.
संगीत (वा इतर कुठलीही कला) ही एक साधना आहे. अशा कार्यक्रमांमुळे अचानक प्रसिद्धी मिळते, पैसा मिळतो.. पण त्याला साधना मात्र म्हणता येत नाही. ही आणि अशा प्रकारची अनेक मुले उत्तम performer बनू शकतात. मात्र 'गायक' बनण्यासाठी हे पुरेसे नसते..!!! 

13 March 2012

White Tigers: Cruelty not Conservation

(This is a piece of information I found alarming.. and could not stop myself from sharing..)

Many think that the White Tigers are the most beautiful animals on earth. Mesmerised by their rare beauty, many of us are unaware of what makes a White Tiger white. The truth is, White Tigers are white because of the genetic mutation that causes a condition called ‘Leucism’. Leucistic animals are similar to Albino animals. It appears usually in Bengal tigers, and not in any other species of tigers, not even in Siberian tigers.

The only way to produce a White Tiger is through the inbreeding of brother to sister, father to daughter and mother to son. This kind of severe inbreeding that is required to produce the mutation of a white coat also causes a number of other defects in these big cats. The same gene that causes the white coat causes the optic nerve to be wired to the wrong side of the brain, thus all white tigers are cross eyed, even if their eyes look normal.  They also often suffer from club feet, cleft palates, spinal deformities and defective organs. Thus, the White tigers are actually very weak and live shorter lives.

In addition, There is no place in the world that tigers naturally inhabit where white coat is helpful. In fact for a tiger, being white in the wild is a distinct disadvantage. For this reason, they are generally kept in human captivity and cannot be released in the wild.

While the healthy orange-black tigers in the wild are disappearing at an alarming rate, inbreeding for producing White Tigers is carried on at fast pace. However, the beauty of White Tigers and our fascination with them are not enough reason to continue the practise of inbreeding them for commercial purposes. Millions of dollars are spent every year to inbreed White Tigers and people spend thousands to see them. Instead these resources can be used for conservation of the habitat of healthy orange-black tigers!!!

25 January 2012

Role of Youth in World Politics

Year of 2011can be rightly termed as the ‘year of political upheavals’. The New Year was welcomed by severe protests in Tunisia that led to toppling of the longtime President Ben Ali. This was followed by Tehrir square protests in Egypt ousting the authoritative president Hosni Mubarak. This awakening took little or no time in spreading to various other parts of the Arab world. Civil war broke out in Libya, and uprisings were organized in countries like Syria, Bahrain and Yemen against saturation in the political systems. All these events are collectively referred to as the ‘Arab Spring’, which put an end to various autocratic regimes in the Arab region. We, in India, have also experienced a systematic anti-corruption movement this year. Though this movement was not aimed at any particular regime or political party, it attacked the prevalent evils in the politics in general and society in particular.

These upheavals mobilized millions of youngsters. The issues they were addressing were directly related to the lives of the youth; poverty, unemployment, unequal distribution and corruption, to name a few. This is the reason why young people spontaneously joined the protests. They also made use of the communication technology, including social networking sites like Facebook and Tweeter to widely spread their ideas. Electronic media also supported the movements.

Contemporary political uprisings started the discussions about the role of youth in politics time and again. As we know, the youth in any society is closely associated with its scientific and technological advancement, economic wellbeing, industries, entertainment, sports and so on; but not so much with its politics. Politics has certain inherent qualities in it which majorly restrict itself to the grey-haired population. In such a scenario, assertive role played by youngsters in these movements cannot be ignored.

The present era is witnessing unprecedented scientific advancement. World has come closer as never before, through cyber-web, internet, and number of social networking sites. These are the areas where youth have the exclusivity. Through various social networking sites such as ‘facebook’, young people from various parts of the world have befriended their fellow youngsters from other countries. There take place discussions over various issues of international concerns. This has strengthened ‘people to people contact’ or what can also be called as ‘track 3 diplomacy’. Youngsters are exchanging the ideas about the worldview with each other. They are facing common problems and are seeking to find common ways to deal with these problems.

The young generation is increasingly taking interest in voluntarism and related forms of public service and is engaged into community-based, non-profit charitable efforts in order to make their respective societies a better place to live. This aspect of youth cannot be disregarded as they have become part of vibrant ‘civil society activism’ in almost all parts of the world. Historically, youth is identified with principles such as democracy, peace, cooperation, human rights and so on. There are struggles going on in the world for achieving these ideals, and young population is an important part of such struggles.

Nevertheless, when it comes to role of youth in world politics, there are also certain challenges. These challenges need a mention.

Firstly, in almost all parts of the world, more so in the advanced countries, youth has become self-centered, individualistic, consumerist and materialist. Many of them are addicted to alcohol and drugs.

Secondly, everywhere, more so in the third world, youth is increasingly swayed by reemerging primordial identities, and thus, is going away from modernism and democracy. The example can be found in the rising number of young ‘fidayeens’ who are ready to sacrifice their lives pertaining to religious extremism.

Thirdly, role played by youth is more spontaneous and less organized. We have seen, millions of youngsters gathering for the rallies with a lot of eagerness. But their initial enthusiasm does not persist for long. Egyptian experience has shown the energetic protests by the youth. But they have taken a backseat in the electoral game, giving a way to ‘Muslim Brotherhood’ to win the elections. Now, time will decide whether this energetic youth is really interested in playing role in carving their future, or it was just a spur-of-the-moment. Similarly in India, youngsters who took part in the anti-corruption rallies, furthermore have the responsibility to ensure building of the corruption free society.

Keeping all the aspects of contemporary world scenario in mind, it can rightly be said that, today’s youth has a number of challenging tasks to fulfill. They are expected to extend their cooperation in the struggles for democracy, creation of an egalitarian society, preservation of human rights and end of discrimination in various parts of the world. Even the tasks such as disarmament, climate change and global struggle against terrorism and extremism cannot be achieved without their active involvement.

After all, today’s youth are going to be tomorrow’s leaders. At the moment, they have a choice in shaping their future, whether peaceful, democratic and egalitarian, or that full of chaos, fights and bloodshed..!!

15 January 2012

The Poem Of La Mancha

To dream the impossible dream..
To fight the unbeatable foe..
To bear the unbearable sorrow..
To run where the brave dare not to go..
To love the pure and chest from a far..
To right the unforgivable wrong..
To try when your arms are too weary..
To reach that unreachable star..

This is my quest.. to follow that star..
No matter how place.. no matter how far..
To fight for the right..
without questions.. without pause..

To be willing to march into hell..
For heavenly cause..

Pink does not have to be beautiful always..!!!

I read a very interesting article in ‘the Hindu’ last Sunday. It was titled as ‘Pink Stinks’. I happen to like pink colour, so much so that I could not stop myself from reading the full article right away. However, as I went on reading it, I realized that the fuss was not about the colour in itself, while it was about the ‘Pinkification’ of girls.

The ‘Pink Stinks’ is a campaign that targets the products, media and marketing that prescribe heavily stereotyped and limited roles to young girls. It was launched in UK by two sisters, Abi and Emma moore, who were alarmed by gender-segregated products in their homes. While Emma’s house was filled with her daughter’s ‘pink’ ‘girly’ products, that of Abi was full of ‘masculine’ toys of her son. This kicked off the ‘Pink Stinks’ campaign three years ago. According to most of the followers, this campaign was overdue, as the ‘Pinkification’ process had been like a ‘pretty- pleasant and polite imprisonment’.

They are absolutely right. The campaign was indeed overdue. The girl-boy segregation is done right from when the baby is born. They are given ‘gendered’ toys to play with, they are given the ‘gendered’ products to consume, and they are hammered with ‘gendered’ comments all the time. Everything they are surrounded by is heavily ‘gendered’. While girls are provided with everything ‘cute’ and ‘pretty’, boys get the ‘rash’ and ‘tough’. While girls are made to play with dolls, boys play with airplanes, submarines and robots. The celebrated justification in such circumstances is usually ‘she loves this doll so much’ or ‘he likes to fly fighter plains’, etc. However, the question here is that, how can a kid (aged 2-3 years) simply ‘love’ something without somebody making him/her love it.

When I was a kid, I used to love playing ‘Ghar Ghar’ or ‘Bhatukali’ with my friends (including both male and female friends). But, similarly, I liked playing games like ‘Teacher Teacher’ and ‘Chor-Police’. This is usually the case with both male and female kids. Every human being is the product of his surroundings. He likes the things which he grows up with. When the girls are given only dolls and ‘Ghar Ghar’ utensils, they are bound to have their long-lasting impact. These toys block the thought-process of girls, as everything that is pretty and weak is equated with femininity.

Nevertheless, in the modern times, when women are touching new heights, this ‘gendered’ segregation does not seem to be really relevant. The parents who want their daughters to become pilots, IAS officers, lawyers and so on, should not really go for only ‘pink’ ‘pretty’ toys for them..
.. as ‘Pinkification’ really stinks!!!